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Anon - Munchausen syndrome is a condition in which a person intentionally fakes, simulates, worsens, or self-induces an injury or illness for the main purpose of being treated like a medical patient. Your brother is obviously getting some kind of payoff from the attention he receives for his illness. If your family is upset about his behaviors, including those which aggravate his condition, you might consider holding a "health" intervention along the lines of those done for alcoholics, in which the family outlines what behaviors will and will not be supported. If his self-destructive patterns continue as they are he is putting his life at risk, and as irritating as some of his behaviors may be, I bet you and your family are also concerned about him and would rather seem him take a different path. It would not be easy, but perhaps a unified front would shock him into changing his ways. Continuing to enable his current behaviors isn't helping him and drastic action may be worth consideration.
Good luck to all of you.

December 27, 2010 - 5:25pm


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