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EmpowHER Guest

I have been reading some on here and I am having some of the same issues. I am 50 years old. I had a total hysterectomy when I was 29 due to lots of other issues. I was later put-on estrodial after having hot flashes. I have never had a problem with weight gain even after having 4 kids I was a size 2. That is until I started HRT. My husband who is 8 years younger started it and due to the obvious increase in his sex drive I figured I better get on board. I had no other issues, feeling tired or depressed ect. Just low libido. Now I have gained about 15 pounds and I am not a happy camper. Am also taking Testostrone which I have no issues with. I told the doctor today after reading different things that I didn't want to take the progesterone any longer and since I had a hysterectomy I really did not need it. I was met with alot of opposition. Can I not continue taking the estrodial and the Testostrone? They hare acting like I will shrivel up and die if I stop. HELP!!! I am so confused. Why do I have to take something that it causing me such distress in my mid section?

June 13, 2012 - 8:49pm


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