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EmpowHER Guest

I also experience the same problems and have autoimmune thyroiditis. Have you physician check your TSH (Thyroid stimulating hormone), anything over 2 is suspect for sluggish thyroid. Also, be sure to have your physician check for thyroid antibodies. Although my T3 & T4 thyroid hormones were normal levels, my TSH could fall between 3.5 and even over 5. This is when I was the most ill. Normal antibodies are less than 35, mine were almost 700. You may need treatment for thyroid problems. I take a low dose 88 Synthroid and it relieves the muscle cramping and aches. I had a phenomenal European physician who once told me that before the 1920's there was no such thing as Fibromyalgia or ME. They are both thyroid issues and can be helped with thyroid medicine. Unfortunately, most physicians prescribe pain pills, anti-inflammatory medications or anti-depressants. Some of the new anti-depressants are supposed to relieve pain. These medications only mask the symptoms which are all symptoms (including depression) of thryoid problems.

I hope this helps.

April 20, 2009 - 11:32am


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