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Hi Bargain Lover,

Are you asking because you smoke or because you saw this and thought it was odd? We've only been told that smoking causes cancer, right?
Or, are you wanting to quit?

I've been doing some research on the most successful ways to stop smoking and I've learned some interesting things. One is acupuncture. There's a clinical trial going on in Arizona, using acupuncture to quit smoking. I'm so curious as to what the findings are.

I can tell you this much, I had a friend of mine who has smoked for years. I mean like 40 years. And she was able to quit after having acupuncture treatments. She was actually part of the clinical trial.

I'm trying to find out more about this trial. When I do, I'll post it on the site.

Let me know if you're looking for ways to quit. I'd be happy to help you anyway I can.

I think we should start a smoking support group. I truly believe there are more women smoking, than one would think. It's called "closet smoking". They want to quit but are to afraid to even admit they smoke because of the whole stigma thing. We need to start a group. Now, I'm more determined then ever to help women stop smoking if they want to.

Doesn't matter how many times you fail..it's making the attempt that counts and there will come a time when you will stop smoking for good. You just need to have the support of others who have tried to quit and failed and tried again and won. There's nothing wrong with failure. You just keep trying until you get it right. Relapsing is all part of the process. If you want to succeed, you will.

Best in health,

January 24, 2009 - 9:08pm


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