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EmpowHER Guest

I had sex exactly six days after my period, my period had come on time afterwards. My menstrual cycle had been normal and my period lasted for a full seven days (the normal amount of time. I assumed I was in the clear zone (wasn't pregnant) since I had had my period when it was due but I believe I'm a few days late. After my period I had gotten sick and have been lately battling with an extreme case of insomnia so I started taking nyquil almost every night for about a week straight so I am not sure if this may contribute to a late period. I have been a little mood lately and have felt very fat and bloated in my stomach (I usually get these symptoms before my period). So could I be pregnant or is my period just late due to stress. I'm hoping I'm not since I had a normal period.

April 12, 2011 - 3:54pm


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