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EmpowHER Guest

I, too, had a partial hysterectomy (still have one of my ovaries so no hormone replacement needed) due to a cancer scare. (A vaginal ultrasound showed something unusual so the surgery was needed to find out what it was.) I had had three C-sections prior, so had the C-section-type of procedure was needed for the hysterectomy. In 2011, I had done the HCG diet and lost 35 pounds in 42 days, expensive but it worked. In 2012, I had my hysterectomy and have gained all of the weight back, some due to poor choices, though. I did the HCG diet again and lost some of the weight but did not keep it off. I do believe that part of my issue is choices. However, I am puffy in my lower abdomen and am still numb in the abdominal area as well. I keep looking for ways to lose the flab--my arms, upper body, and legs are in great shape--but to no avail. I did read and follow The Fast Metabolism Diet, and I lost 11 pounds in 8 days, but I didn't keep eating that way and so gained it back. I know that starving oneself just hurts my metabolism--the body thinks it's starving--so that causing weight gain. I am not working on eating healthy and not worrying about my weight as much--quality protein shake and almond milk for breakfast, protein bar and fruit for snack, salad and cottage cheese for lunch, a protein bar or protein snack in the afternoon, and a sensible supper. Lots of water, green tea, and some coffee throughout the day. I am seeing slow results, but I have also learned that the longer it takes to come off, the longer it is likely to stay off. I feel great, and that is number one. Good luck, ladies! I think when we decide to really feed our bodies what it needs (and yes that is easier said than done) then our body will start working properly again. No more (or much much less) fake foods and more whole real foods for this girl! Blessings to you all for great health and a wonderful life! :)

May 19, 2015 - 11:30am


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