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Hello, I'm 34 and have had dreams and nightmares for as long as I can remember, though they have got scarier as I have got older. My dreams normally revolve around snakes, spiders, mice crawling in my bed, or coming through the window, though the other night i dreamt someone was in my bedroom. There can be many other variations also though. The thing that makes them so scary is that I am actually reacting and standing up imagining that I am seeing these things. When i saw a man in my room the other night, I was out of the bed staring at the corner of my bedroom, petrified that I was really seeing someone. I have become so used to having these bad dreams that I normally wake up - or slowly realise that I am having a nightmare and that the image is not real. My husband tries to tell me that I am dreaming, but i have to wait for myself to realise that it is dream before i can go back to sleep. Last night i said to my husband, "are you seeing what i am seeing". So even in my dream state, i am so aware of my nightmares that I am questioning whether it is real or not. Sometimes i can wake up so afraid that I can feel my heart beating so fast, can feel it pumping on my hand. I have tried not eating chocolate before bed, my diet is ok, and I am fairly active. As for stress, I am a fairly calm person, not too much stress in our life. So I really can't pinpoint a reason for it. I really do wish i could figure it all out, as they scare me so much!!!


September 1, 2011 - 5:38pm


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