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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I also have Fibromyalgia etc, the disease of a thousand faces and my hubby has Diabetes etc for 20 years now. Take steps to get control of YOUR life....not your husband's. You sound like me.....the blind leading the blind and I do not mean this negatively, it is just the way it is when a sick person must care for a sick person.
You might as well be getting some things done while you are grieving....and yes, I feel awful that you are going through this.
1. Make a list of priorities (what you need to get done on each day of the week, what specialists you must see, your support group meetings, grocery shopping, therapy visits, doc appointments, time out while your child is at a day care or sitter so that you can have 2 hours free time each week, laundry duty, floor and toilet scrubbing, etc) for yourself. It will empower all of you. See what it looks like on paper.
2. Stop expecting a clean house and learn to eat soup, macaroni and raw vegys and fruit.
3. Let the emotions take the back seat. Your Fibromyalgia support group will listen and give you some encouragement. Think about giving yourself one day for chores and then a few hours to your husband. He can use the VIM too and pass out if he has to, at least he will be contributing to his child's health and sanitization.
4. Get tough. Your man can learn to cope too. Look up respite centres and drop him there for a couple hours so you can have a break!
5.Visit the chiropractor....any medical person who is covered under the health plan for free. And when you have seen them all....start over.
6.Visit Storytime at the Library...it's free, fun and something to connect to with your child....your husband would even like it.
7. Find a church, a bible study, various blogs, emails, compose poetry about love, family, parents, how much they mean to you and enter them into contests.....there is usually prize money.
8. Don't be afraid, and don't be defeated. Life will get better, change, and there will come some restful and happy times again.
(because of my health, half of the month is good and half is very painful but I live wildly good for half a month)
9. turn on music with high pitch like flute or birdsong. It stimulates brain waves, uplifts, I have read......and it educates your child.
10. Check out the art galleries or make simple crafts, knit, sock puppets, folk art paint,
What ever else you can come up with will be appropriate for you and your situation. Remember to focus outside your diseases as much as you can. I have found so much to live for in illness and have learned how strong us caretakers can be.... besides,,,,I want to be a Grandma! Luv & Care!

March 18, 2011 - 9:22pm


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