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Blogger (reply to Anonymous)

When you said "Your situation seems familiar to me" I'm not sure who you're talking to, but when I read this I thought that perhaps I had written it! We are in the same boat, almost exactly, except our story is breast cancer and I have no children but LOTS of animals. I, too, end up doing an awful lot around here and I, too, work full-time from home.

There is no easy solution. I do have a DVD that might help you, which is about the coping strategies that we used to get through her four bouts with breast cancer. You can see it and some clips at www.HandleMore.com

Perhaps there are some online support groups you could go to - caregiving is a lot harder on you than people realize. I use The Wellness Community, but they are only for cancer caregivers but that doesn't mean that there aren't other resources out there.

I'm glad you reached out here and hope that you can find some relief. You can also try www.CopingUniversity.com - it's not launched yet but you can at least see what it will be like.

July 6, 2009 - 7:00pm


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