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I'm 55, been menopausal for 3 years, have diabetes and hypothyroidism. I get sour smells from my armpits and vulva, which my partner has noticed and commented on. I have tried various products including creams, deodorants, powders, herbal pills, prescription pills and having 4 or 5 showers daily. I've seen my GP who can find no infection or anything else that would cause this and has tested me for everything (including fungal and bacterial infections). Nothing worked for me until I tried (in desperation), antibacterial wipes in both areas, these work extremely well in my vulva - I have little or no smell after using one for at least two days while continuing to shower twice daily. The wipes are not as effective in my armpits, the smell returns after a few hours, so I have started using hand sanitising gel for this area and a light moisturising lotion after application, this removes the smell for a full 24 hours. This formula, which I have used for three months now, works perfectly for me and I am so happy with the results - no side effects like drying of the skin either. Everyone's body is different and no one treatment will work for all, but if you have tried everything you can think of and are desperate, as I was, this might be something that will work for you. GOOD LUCK GIRLS.

June 24, 2014 - 1:54am


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