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EmpowHER Guest

I guess then I am the next to complain about pain in my upper arm due to a recent flu shot. It is aching pain, and I have tried muscle rubs, all over the counter, and asper creme...I also have used hot wraps, they help with the pain but it is still bad. Doing any kind of exercise with my arms seems to make it worse, although cardio using the legs seems to momentarily take my mind off it. the pain is not subsiding, so thanks for all your posts. If I have this a couple of more days, (It has been a week), I will complain to the Doctor. Although I have not heard of a cure yet. It helps to know I am not the only one... Thanks for all your posts. and if you do come up with better answers,, I would love to read them.

September 28, 2009 - 2:42pm


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