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EmpowHER Guest

I was both excited and disappointed to see all these experiences that are so like mine. I was hoping that this was going to go away soon but after reading these posts I'm doubtful. I had my flu shot in early November, I am a nurse and have had one ever year for 12 years without incident. My six year old son got his flu shot at the same time. Just after we left the doctors office my left arm began hurting so badly I was almost in tears. My son said his arm didn't hurt at all. By that night some 5 hours after the vaccination I couldn't take my shirt off. My arm was swollen the times it's normal size. By the next morning the pain and swelling were almost gone, the vaccine info sheet listed these as normal side effects. However, at this time almost two months later I cannot lift anything in my left arm without severe pain. I cry out every day when I take my shirt off. I guess I will finally see the doctor next week and I have also made a chiropractor appointment to see what he says. I am happy to not be alone in this but wish the news for recovery time sounded better. Good luck to all of you. Melissa

December 31, 2014 - 1:51pm


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