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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I too have been having the same problems. I received the shot 10/2/14. Expected the usual disfomfort but then the arm, shoulder and elbow continually lost strength and I was unable to sleep without a heating pad around the arm. I went to the doctor 11/5/14 he put me on prednisone. He saw that my entire left upper side was swollen and that pain was radiating into the left side of my chest and neck. Almost immediately after taking the prednisone I began feeling better, once I had completed the script I felt the best I had in weeks. Then 3 days later the pain returned to the arm, elbow and shoulder. I was put back on prednisone for 5 more days. This helped once again. Now that I have been off the 2nd script for 3 days the discomfort has returned. I am so upset. I reported to VAERS for what that's worth. I don't even want to call my doctor again, but I know the arm and shoulder is still not back to normal. It still is particularly sore at the injection site. I feel silly about all this too but flu shots in the past have never caused this reaction. I just want full use of my arm and shoulder back full strength!

November 25, 2014 - 8:05am


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