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EmpowHER Guest

I got a flu shot, in my upper left shoulder, on Oct. 3, 2014. It was given at the drugstore by the pharmacist. It hurt the first day, then it felt normal UNTIL Oct. 9. From that time on, I have been in severe pain from my upper left shoulder to my wrist. I cannot raise my arm when I rise - after a bad night of not being able to sleep on my left side. I need to take a hot shower, rub down with ointment and take two aspirin to move my arm quasi normally. I just went back to the drugstore, and the pharmacist said to take aspirin. It's been a week and a half! How much longer?! If I survive, I'm taking this flu vaccine orally from here on out. I'm obviously not alone and feel the problem should be made more public.

October 14, 2014 - 11:25am


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