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EmpowHER Guest

I am so happy to find this site. I was thinking no one is going to believe me. I received my shot at my primary care physicians office in October 2013. And it hurt worse than any other flu shot I ever received at the time of injection . I think mine was given lower than should of been and possibly hit muscle or bone. My injection site is more like 4-5 fingers from my shoulder. I read it should be a 3 finger rule. Then after 2 weeks of receiving the shot and still hurting and wondering what was going on i started a little research online. Well here I am still hurting after 4 months and now it it getting worse. Like most everyone else it hurts more when laying down, hard to sleep and the pain is excruciating sometimes, and my pain threshold is high. Haven't been to doctor yet hoping it will get better with heat and my own home physical therapy along with a tens unit I have.

February 13, 2014 - 9:14pm


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