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EmpowHER Guest

I can't even believe I found this site, I thought I was the only one! I've had flu shots for years. I missed the last two years and last Christmas, I was at home in bed with the Flu. I swore never again would I miss the shot. So, 3 weeks ago I got my flu shot. It was sore, but I expected that for a few days. By the third day, it was excruciating! It has gotten worse every day. My husband is a physician, and he said he's never heard of this. Seems no one has! We're on vacation, and I woke up and said I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't lift my arm. So I went to an Urgent Care, and, sure enough, Doctor has never heard of this. I was given a cortisone shot and steroids to start. I hate taking prednisone. My arm feels so much better after the shot, but from the comments I've read, I'm not expecting it to last. Comments have also scared me half to death, because no one has seemed to have gotten over this! I can't live like this forever; they might as well just take my arm off! I know the lady gave me the shot too high, and that's seems to be our common link here. I guess I'll probably wind up getting an MRI too. Dr. said the shot may have gone in my nerve, ligament, or rotator cuff tissue. I'm hoping it's something that surgery or pt will fix, because At least I'll know it won't be forever. I can't lift my arm but about 5 inches. And I know the PAIN we are all going through. Something needs to be done about this, because it seems to have happened to a lot of people this year.

November 24, 2013 - 7:23pm


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