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EmpowHER Guest

My mother had the same thing happen and now (two years later) that arm is. immobile. She is 74. That was the year that they thought they were going to run out of serum and mass produced it. Because of my mothers age I thought she might have been a pulled muscle at the same time of the shot or possibly be developing arthritis. This year I was forced to get the flu shot for my job at a hospital and I had the very same reaction . I cannot lift my arm up over my head or move it forward or up without great pain. The pain set in within two hours of the shot and it has now been two weeks for me. It goes in an out. One day it is better and one day it is much worse. In a sad case of ironic, my hospital job laid me off the day after the shot siting the healthcare issues in the nation were causing them to restructure. So I am unemployed and sore to boot. :-)

November 20, 2013 - 4:06pm


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