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I had a flu shot at work on Oct 23, 2013, and it is now November 10 and my arm is still giving me a lot of pain. It moves from my shoulder to above my elbow to above my wrist to below my elbow and randomly moves about these locations. At times it is quite painful, and when trying to sleep it doesn't matter what side I sleep on, nothing relieves the pain. Ibuprofen takes the edge off when I can't stand it and have to take something. A friend of mine is a doctor and she said it was probably damage to a nerve during the shot, and that if it lasts any longer than a few more weeks I should see my doctor. This has never happened to me before. Is this something that happens to a percentage of people all of the time? I know next year, if I get one, I will be telling the technician about this and hopefully avoid it happening again. This can't be permanent, can it? MMoore

November 10, 2013 - 6:58pm


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