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Today is the 2 week mark since I received my flu shot. I have never had this type of pain around or at the injection site, I have been getting this vaccine for 10+ years. This year the nursing college I am attending had student nurses administering and I know for a fact that she was way too high, felt terrible from the beginning, like she hit my bone. The thing that bothers me the most was that the instructor R.N. Was sitting there observing and did not advise her to go for proper placement after observing the area she was preparing with alcohol. So now, I am unsure as to what I should do, I do not want to draw attention to the situation, but since the instructor saw the whole thing and said nothing, I think it does need brought to someone's attention. I have been administering vaccines to patients for the last ten years as a medical assistant and I knew she was in the wrong spot and said in a low tone, "ya might wanna go lower" either she did. It hear me, or chose to ignore me. Nonetheless, my arm hurts terribly and just want it to go away. But I think I'm in this for the long hall, after reading the previous posts. Any advice is welcome. Thank you.
Jessica, Hilliard Ohio

October 8, 2013 - 5:21pm


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