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EmpowHER Guest

Don't know if this will help or not because I haven't made it through all of the comments but I too, received my flu shot on Sept 5, 2012. So much back and forth with my doctor...steroids, pain pills, finally a referral for an MRI. I have a TORN TENDON in my rotator cuff :( I was then referred to an ortho doctor who said I need surgery or we could try a cortisone shot (WHAT?). I was high anxiety but he talked me into trusting him and I have had relief for a month. I started physical therapy last week, two sessions so far. I can slowly feel the pain coming back, which my ortho doc said would probably happen once the cortisone wore off. I'm 35, female and am now in debt over this and still most likely getting surgery. The contracted agency that gave the flu shot has said they would reimburse me for out of pocket expenses but I haven't seen any money as of today. They obviously have never heard of this and weren't expecting it to go this far. I have a lawyer on standby for if they refuse to reimburse. Let me know if I can help with any questions!

January 24, 2013 - 8:55pm


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