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EmpowHER Guest

I came across this site because I have been having pain and limitations in the muscle of the shoulder I received a Tdap vaccine in October 9th. The pain began the evening of the shot - not at the injection site, but in my muscle. I couldn't even lift my arm very far initially, and had to wake up from my sleep to move it during the first several nights following. I contacted the nurse who gave it to me and she suggesgted heat/cold therapy as well as ibuprofen. The pain is still present - although not as severe - and I spoke to my Dr. about it a couple weeks ago. You can actually feel a small bulge in my muscle where it hurts the worse and he thinks it is a spasm and didn't think it was connected to the shot (no, his office did not administer the shot). I can't think of anything that I would have done that day to have injured it like this. It has been over a month now and the pain has lessoned, but I am concerned that it will not get any better. I can't even take off my clothes easily.

November 11, 2012 - 5:24pm


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