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(reply to Anonymous)

I sympathize with your situation as I am of the same situation myself. Through continued perseverance and Physical Therapy...I have regained most of the motion in my left arm and shoulder. However, I do not pick anything up or carry anything heavy anymore and I try to control sudden movement as much as possible. It has been 3 years and I have been told that the nerve damage is permanent. I do not know how old you are..I am 55 so the "limitations" are what they are and I have accepted that. I am still very active as I have a 7 year old daughter of my own and a 4 year old grandson with another grandson on the way ..that keeps me quite busy. I urge you to see your doctor and maybe consider some physical therapy for strengthening exercises. They do help...good luck to you!

November 5, 2012 - 11:07am


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