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(reply to Anonymous)

There is light at the end of the tunnel... My flu shot was 10/9/2009 and it may take a few years, but it gets better. The Only thing that helped me was the cortisone shot I finally got 7 months later. Physical therapy after that and then 16 or so months later, another cortisone shot when pain was no longer "tolerable". NSAIDS helped only a little... dulled the pain. More phys. therapy and then... after an EMG (to check for brachial plexus neuropathy) I had the most range of motion ever had after a week of intense pain from the EMG itself. Must have hit something that switched off the lockup... who knows. I am just glad it's better. Still not back to "before the shot" wellness, but better. One thing you should ask for is to have an EMG (electromyography test). It was of no use for me, becauseI believe it really needs to be done within the first few months to see if there is nerve damage. I got it because the attorney for my Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund case said I should. Good Luck to you and all others affected with this problem.

October 23, 2012 - 1:33pm


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