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(reply to Anonymous)

I am the one who started this again a week ago with "I hope people are still reading this...." but I have since signed up for an account because I love the community support here! I agree that perhaps it is shots in the upper arm in general, because I had both the flu and pneumonia shot at the same time (I am too young for the pneumonia shot but that's a long story) and I had this reaction. Since I wrote about the muscular hurting, I developed quite the wicked infection in my upper arm that spread the length from my shoulder to the crook of my elbow, turning the whole thing red, purple and bruised that hurt to the touch. I went in and they said the shots gave me "cellulitis" and over two days I got two shots in the hip and a ten day supply of 4-a-day antibiotics. The shots in the rear bruised but no reaction like the arm! I can't believe I had that much of a reaction in my arm just to two shots. I will not ever get them there again, that is for sure.

October 23, 2012 - 12:45pm


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