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I recently broke out with two very large and painful fever blisters (upper and also lower lip). I did not have a flu vaccine because I have heard too many things about them that cause me concern. I feel certain mine were caused by emotional upset at my workplace. However, I wanted to share what worked. I took Valtrex; as far as I could tell it did nothing. However, bleach will kill the virus. I used diluted Clorox bleach on a cotton swab and it healed them up within 2 days. Also pure peppermint oil topically applied helped. I am 55, female, had chickenpox as a child, but have absoultely no history of ever having fever blisters or shingles. I also took an anti-viral herbal combination from Nature's Sunshine that seemed to help. The Valtrex gave me a severe headache. I am thankful to have found this website for I had heard of people saying autism was linked to vaccines, but never shingles. This is great information. The way I came up with using bleach was that I had seen an exhibit years ago at the Walter Reed Hospital museum in Bethesda, MD and in the exhibit they displayed a bottle of Clorox bleach with a card that said: Bleach will kill the AIDS virus. I thought: if bleach will kill the AIDS virus, then it will kill the herpes virus.

March 4, 2009 - 8:39am


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