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There would have to be a paradigm shift in how medical costs are determined and handled by doctors, institutions, insurers, agencies...the list goes on.

Today, one of my colleagues asked me for a referral to my consulting firm, and any other firm I have contracted through, as his announced they were dropping their health care plan. He tried to get an individual plan, but was rejected because he was once treated for a sprained wrist, migraines and kidney stones. An avid cyclist, he's not overweight, is active and relatively healthy.

We have a hard enough time getting private insurance. Companies are trimming or dropping their employee plans. One would think this would be impetus for our legislators to push for nationalized healthcare.

Who knows. Maybe someday. But, not until the politics are taken out of the picture...and that's not bound to happen any time soon.

September 30, 2008 - 7:20pm


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