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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I wanted to update my post. I have discovered at least part of the reason for my vulvadynia symptoms: I have type one diabetes. About two months after my post I was diagnosed with diabetes, told it was type 2 and then 3 days later I ended up in an ICU unit nearly dead in dka- I was already in dka when my doctor diagnosed me as type 2 and he nearly killed me. So very high bg was the cause of my yeast infections- I had two very severe yeast infections which should have been red flags to both doctors who treated them as should have been ALL the other symptoms to the NUMEROUS doctors I went to in the several years leading up to the vulvdynia, after it and the dka. I went to 2 urologists, at least 5 gyn and numerous other doctors and yet NOT ONE OF THEM EVER CONSIDERED: DIABETES. So I was correct that I had an autoimmune condition. My vulvadynia has not gone away by any means but the symptoms are much, much better. While I was hospitalized in DKA I had multiple complications, one of which was a bowel blockage which I'm sure cause a DVT in both my legs. I was in severe distress and no doctor came to help me for 5 hours so I had to take care of it myself. I later found out when I saw my current gyn after my second hospital stay that I had a outer vestibular vaginal tear from the blockage etc. and an infection. I now can't use hrt due to the dvt but I can still use the water based estrogen cream and the pills. I notice sometimes my symptoms get worse when my bg spikes but not always. I can wear pants again but then must be fairly loose and no undies ever. I have been riding my bicycle again lately and I can sit without my special cushion now too but only in certain chairs. There are days when I get very irritated again, but not anywhere like before and I will take anti-imflammatories sometimes but it is rare. I have no sex life though, no intercourse anyway and probably never will again, it isn't worth it for me. But the whole thing is very, very depressing. I still believe the infection my x gave me started the whole thing off and maybe even the diabetes as type 1 is triggered by viruses and infections. So still no cure for V for me but it is a lot better- knock on wood, now that I'm on insulin. And of course there are multiple daily things I deal with with being on insulin which is very difficult to manage and very exhausting so that takes away my focus on vulvadynia. I still hope we will all get cured one day and have a better life.

April 4, 2014 - 2:07am


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