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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Look all you have to do girl is come at in a different way.Lots of women think being on a diet or taking pills or special food is the ticket but, its not. I myself am a mother of five children and if I've learned anything its that food has power. Or should I say special powers. Do you ever feel yourself ever carving a certain meal or just maybe a favorite snack? Yeah that's you'r bodies way of telling you it needs something you'r not eating.You can look up what foods help boost you'r estrogen , but I would have a doctor check estrogen levels before eating to many estrogen producing foods. Also there are foods you can eat that act as estrogen but are not. With you having Ovarian cancer. You should take it easy on you'r uterus. Just by letting you kids or husband bounce around on you'r uterus . May cause other serious fatigue. Okay first orange juice is one of the main drinks that can cause you'r body to store fat. Stay away! Next whole wheat bread is another fat magnet , also Margarine. Not butter just Margarine. I use a great flax seed oil butter its by smart balance its great. One more tip. Any drink with these ingredients will store fat. Instead of lose it when you'r already struggling to lose the weight . High Fructose Corn Syrup, Dextrose, and any concentrated juice. So many people mistake food. For food When its just fat in a bottle ,but anyone and everyone dose. . Only one more tip a Hormone by the name Adiponectin can help burn fat almost forgot that one. Don't kno if i spelled it right though. Green tea is an excellent source of it.Taking certain foods out of your diet and putting others in will help just read different things about different foods. an stay positive. Good luck!

August 28, 2014 - 1:32pm


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