A “bladder infection” is one of three possible infections that can occur in the urinary tract. It’s possible, for instance, for the kidneys, which produce urine by removing waste and water from the blood, to become infected in a condition called pyelonephritis.

Then again, it could be a problem with the urethra, the tube that helps you empty your bladder. An infection is called urethritis.

But if it’s your bladder, where urine is stored, be aware that an infection in that area is the most common infection involving the urinary tract, and it’s called cystitis.

All of these “itises” come under the umbrella of urinary tract infections and produce similar symptoms, including: pain in your side, abdomen or pelvic area; a frequent need to urinate; painful urination; blood in the urine; and urine of an unusual color or smell. You could even feel fatigue, chills and fever.
