(This originally appeared in BP Magazine.)

1. Set up a routine. Take your meds at the same time(s) every day. I take mine before I brush my teeth at night. Taking them at the same time every day, ritualistically, helps you remember to take them.

2. Use a little toast when taking meds. Look in the mirror and say “Cheers” or “Prost” (German) or “L’chaim” (Hebrew). An even better toast to use is “to your health.” Look yourself in the eye when you say this.

3. Using affirmations may help as well. Say “with this medicine, I am maintaining my health.” Say the affirmation before and after you take the meds.

4. Drink lots of water to wash them down.

5. While taking them, visualize yourself in a crazed, unmedicated state. You can’t get off the couch because you’re depressed. You’re driving very quickly and dangerously because you’re manic. Say “thank you,” after you visualize this, and then take the pills.

6. Buy a joke book. I like Henny Youngman. Tell yourself a joke when you take your meds. Laugh a little. Smile at yourself in the mirror.

7. Keep cologne or perfume by the meds. Spritz a little on after you take the pills. This will help you associate something pleasant with your medication.

8. Have a nice glass of juice with your medication. Remember, a glass of juice is one serving of fruit.

9. Pray for the world when you take your meds. This ritual can be turned into something for an even greater good.

10. After you take your meds, particularly at night, light a candle. Bask in its glow. You are a child of good health. Sleep peacefully. Have a great night.