Hypersexuality is the increased need for sexual gratification and is often a symptom of mania.

I’m glad I don’t experience this. I have other problems when I’m manic such as paranoia and delusional thinking, but I don’t feel like going out and repeatedly cheating on my husband.

If I did have hypersexuality during mania, I’d find a good psychologist with whom I could talk when I felt as if I needed to have sex. I doubt I’d be in a married relationship.

Going through multiple partners is difficult on a person. I feel for people with hypersexuality. But, luckily, if a person is properly medicated, hypersexuality can be controlled.

What a strange disease bipolar illness is. It can make you want to go out and sleep with countless strangers. And these days with sexually transmitted diseases, that can be dangerous. Or you might experience an unwanted pregnancy. The need for abortion, which is also hard on people, might result.

The fact that some bipolar people experience hypersexuality and some don’t illustrates how unique each case of bipolar disorder is. All bipolar people cannot be lumped together. We’re all very different.

If you have raging hypersexuality during mania, you probably haven’t found the right cocktail of drugs to control your disease. Work with you psychiatrist to reel in the raging impulse to engage in sexual activity. You and your significant other will be glad you did.