The thought of a double chin can cause many a moment of paranoia when looking in the mirror, especially after the indulgence of the recent holiday. The only way to really get rid of that double chin is through either losing a few pounds (although that unsightly chin may still be present), facial exercises or the more drastic option of liposuction and plastic surgery.

It is a common misconception that double chins are only caused by being overweight. Losing weight, genetics, or just the cruelty of mother nature and the pull of gravity over the years can be just as likely the cause of double chins, which affects both men and women equally.

Luckily, there may be a solution in the not too distant future. Bayer Healthcare, based in Leverkusen, Germany, in conjunction with KYTHERA Biopharmaceuticals, have just completed a successful trial of a new drug called ATX-101, designed at reducing localized fat deposits under the skin.

The drug works by causing water to penetrate the cells until they expand and burst when injected into the skin under the chin. The process is known as cytolysis.

The procedure would require between 40 and 70 small injections to dissolve the fat and scientists at Bayer and KYTHERA believe results would become apparent after approximately 16 weeks. The process would be completed with little or no anesthesia.

The discomfort of this minimally invasive procedure has been likened to having a tattoo, although definitely a lot less painful than liposuction or plastic surgery.

“I am delighted to be involved in ATX-101 phase III clinical development phase, which I believe to be an important advancement in aesthetic medicine,” explained Dr. Jean Paul Ortonne, Dermatologist and ATX-101 clinical investigator.

“There is a huge demand for a safe, effective and approved injectable treatment for localized fat reduction. These phase III studies are positive steps toward providing patients with a well-studied, clinically proven treatment to reduce localized submental fat without surgery."

Scientists will now test the new drug on 720 people at 64 centers around Europe.
Bayer Healthcare and KYTHERA plan to launch the new procedure in Europe, Asia and Latin America in 2014. A trial in the United States was recently completed and results and data will be released later in 2011.
