For some women, nothing’s as effective at boosting the spirits as a mastopexy, or breast lift.

The aging process affects our figures steadily and relentlessly, causing sags and bags. No doubt you’re fully aware of this! But you may not be aware that all it may take to regain satisfaction with your shape and a renewed spring in your step is a breast lift.

How do you know if a breast lift is for you? Have you ever:

• Pulled your bra straps up to see how your breasts used to look?
• Wondered why clothes you once wore now make you feel frumpy?
• Caught a glimpse of your profile in a mall mirror and thought, UGH?
• Noticed how your nipples point down when they used to point forward?

If you are generally happy with your size and shape but feel that your bust line is weighing you down, you may want to consider a mastopexy. Like other cosmetic and reconstructive procedures it is surgery with inherent risks. But breast lift surgery is generally very safe and routine when performed by an experienced, board certified plastic surgeon.

There are several variations on the traditional mastopexy. In most cases, incisions are made around the nipple and down toward the crease of the breast. This technique is called the “lollipop” incision. The surgeon positions the nipples higher on the breast mound, removes an inverted “v” of skin below the nipple, and sutures the edges of the remaining skin in place. The tightened skin thus boosts the breast tissue higher on the chest and supports it in a more youthful position.

After surgery, the breasts ride high and tight for a few days. They gradually relax into place as swelling subsides. Most patients report mild to moderate discomfort at first, and the majority can resume light activities within three or four days and go back to work in about a week.

Is a breast lift the right choice for you? If you’re considering the procedure and you’ve done some research on the Web, a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon could be the next step you’ll want to take. A reputable professional will give you information you need and never pressure you in any way. It’s your decision.