What is ADHD (or What is ADD)?

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It used to be known as ADD, but now the Hyperactivity component has been added. ADHD or ADD is most often seen in children, but it is also possible to see adults with ADHD. One of the common treatments pharmaceutically as a medication for ADHD is Ritalin (there are also other ADHD medications)

Symptoms or signs of ADHD is children will have a lot of nervous energy, trouble concentrating, trouble focusing, they may have some difficulties in school, often the teacher will flag the child as having behavioural problems. Overall, typically there are a lot of behavioural problems. The child will be hyperactive and is easily distracted, by the way ADHD is defined.

What causes ADHD or triggers ADHD?

Some common triggers include stress/emotional issues (like divorce, death of a pet), diet can impact ADHD (food colouring, food additives, sugar, or a deficiency in Essential Fatty Acids. You need to be careful, because kids are kids and they like to play and to goof around. Doctors need to be careful once a child is diagnosed ADHD as it is a label that may follow them throughout life.

What are some natural options for treating ADHD without medication?

* It is possible to treat ADHD without drugs. There are a number of natural approaches to help with ADHD, like:
* Taking fish oils
* Dietary changes (removing food colourants, food additives, being careful with sugar)
* See an Osteopath or Chiropractor (hands-on work can help if there is a disruption in the nervous system)
* Behavioural Therapy

These are all things you can consider instead of taking medication for ADHD. People with ADD or ADHD or parents with kids with ADHD coping with how to best help their children have a number of resources available to them.

If you would like to find an alternative healthcare practitioner to help you address a health issue, you can find a naturopath, osteopath and other practitioners in your community through the Find a Practitioner link on our website www.vitaminjunkeys.com

What's Dr. JJ taking today?

Dr. JJ is taking Fish Oil. Fish Oil has a number of good properties, one of which it can help with ADHD. The DHA component (one of the fatty acids in fish oil) really helps to support the central nervous system. Jennifer gives her kids fish oils. Dr. JJ commented that fish oils come in different formats, like liquid fish oil that are flavoured with lemon, orange or even strawberry. There are also some small chewable capsules that taste good. Dr. JJ's nieces take fish oils, even though they are fussy eaters they don't complain about taking the fish oils.

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