Many people with ADHD use alternative treatments, sometimes in conjunction with conventional medications and sometimes without. While results from research on alternative treatments have been mixed, many people have experienced relief from various ADHD symptoms through their usage.

This is true for instance of dietary changes and supplementation of natural products like essential fatty acids, herbal preparations like gingko biloba and American ginseng, and trace element supplementation like zinc, iron and acetyl-L-carnitine.

Activities like yoga and massage, and time spent outside in nature have resulted in improvement of ADHD symptoms for some.

"To be most effective, the integrative management of ADHD should be individualized, taking into account the specific causes of the syndrome in each patient, including genetic factors, perinatal insults or toxic exposure, food sensitivities, and social factors. Stimulant and nonstimulant medications are often beneficial and are well tolerated for a significant percentage of children, adolescents, and adults with ADHD. When stimulants are ineffective, poorly tolerated, or refused by the patient (or the patient’s parents), validated EEG biofeedback protocols—including SMR training for primarily hyperactive-type ADHD and theta suppression for primarily inattentive-type ADHD—are reasonable alternatives."