Zoë Kessler knows the answer to a long-standing mystery. She found out she's one of the many who grew up with ADHD and without a diagnosis. Till now.

She shares her personal feelings ... talking to others who are also learning the ropes of this new relationship between themselves and ADHD ... and spelling it out for the rest of us, giving us a glimpse of what this has been like.

To be repeatedly misunderstood and misconstrued. To be continually puzzled and bewildered by her own internal --and external -- chaos. To live with a steady diet of disappointment and frustration from family, friends and co-workers.

To finally know WHY.

One question remained: What will she do about it?

Zoë has that one covered. "My diagnosis let me see that I was still trying to live up to someone else’s idea of what was right for me. I was finally liberated! Now I’m focusing on my strengths of creativity, joy and infinite curiosity about the world."
