What are allergies?
Allergies are a Type 1 Hypersensitivity reaction. This means that your body over-reacts to its own environment.

What are the 3 typical allergy symptoms in North America?
Spring, Early-mid Summer, and August to September. Spring is related to the trees. Early-mid Summer is due to the grass, August-September is due to ragweed.

What are typical symptoms of allergies?
Typical allergy symptoms include itchy eyes, runny nose, sinus problems, headaches, sneezing, and you may feel tired or run down.

How can you tell the difference between allergies and a cold?
For a cold:
Yellow mucous
Shorter in duration

For Allergies:
Clear mucous
Symptoms last for weeks/months (the whole season)

How can you treat seasonal allergies naturally?
Some natural strategies for relieving allergy symptoms include taking:
1. Quercitin
2. Vitamin C
3. hp?type=e" target="_blank" title="What are Omega 3's?">Fish Oils
or trying:
4. Acupuncture
5. Hydrotherapy.
There are several acupuncture points to help relieving a runny nose, congestion or stuffed up sinuses.
Hydrotherapy is also very effective to relieve allergy symptoms. To help clear your sinuses, take 2 bowls, one with hot water (not boiling, you don't want to scald yourself), one with cold water and ice. Get a face cloth and dip it in the hot water and wring it out. Place it on your face for 1 minute. Then take the face cloth and dip it in the cold water, wring it out, and place it on your face for 1 minute. Do this alternating between hot and cold 3 times (i.e. hot, cold, hot, cold, hot, cold). It is important to end on cold. This pumps your sinuses, which will help clear your congestion.

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