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10 Best Cities for Allergy Sufferers: 5 Tips To Make Life Easier

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10 Best Cities for Allergy Sufferers: 5 Tips Make Life Easier BillionPhotos.com/Fotolia

It may not be possible for people with spring allergies to completely avoid allergy symptoms when the warm weather hits. Some areas of the country are better for this than others, however.

A "good" city will have a lower pollen count. This is influenced by such factors as climate, temperatures, dampness or dryness, and profusion of trees and other plants.

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) rates American cities every year. A city's ranking is determined in part by each cities' pollen score, usage of allergy medication, and the availability of allergists who are board certified.

The AAFA's 2016 list starts out with the worst city ranking at number 1, with the best city ranking at 100. Daytona Beach, Florida was rated the best city for people with spring allergies out of 100 U.S. cities.

Listed from 91 - 100, here are the 10 easiest cities to live in for people with springtime allergies:

1) Daytona Beach, Florida

2) Denver, Colorado

3) Provo, Utah

4) San Diego, California

5) Palm Bay, Florida

6) Colorado Springs, Colorado

7) Boise, Idaho

8) Raleigh, North Carolina

9) Portland, Oregon

10) Sarasota, Florida

Knowing this is interesting, and if you live in one of these cities, this could make you pretty happy. But only a small minority of people with allergies are lucky enough to live in one of these locations. And even the best cities are not free of pollen.

Being well-informed about pollen, lifestyle changes, and medications for symptoms can make life easier, too.

1) What Are Spring Seasonal Allergy Symptoms?

If spring brings tears to your eyes — or makes you sneeze, causes your nose to run, and makes your eyes itch — chances are you've got seasonal allergies.

If your symptoms worsen as pollen counts rise, while foliage and trees are in bloom, and recede when the season passes, you very likely are suffering from seasonal allergies

2) What Is a Pollen Count?

Weather reports provide pollen counts for allergy sufferers. A pollen count tallies the amount pollen grains that land in an area in a particular time period.

Knowing your local pollen count can help you determine when to go out, when to stay in ... and when to leave town.

Check out a pollen calculators here.

3) What's the Problem With Pollen?

Unfortunately, pollen plays another role, as it creates misery for those who are allergic to it. For some people, as little as 15 to 20 grams per cubic meter can bring on symptoms, even though pollen levels of 50 or less are considered on the low side. A count of 1,000 and above is considered to be very high pollen levels.

Keep track of your local pollen count, and learn ways to protect yourself from contact with pollen as much as possible. If you are not fortunate enough to be living in one of the "better" cities, you can still make life easier for yourself.

4) What Are Some Inside Solutions?

Make lifestyle changes like learning when to keep windows shut and when to stay inside. Pollen counts are usually at their highest in the morning as well on windy days.

Shower off that pollen when you come indoors. Getting the clothes you've worn outside into the washer quickly will reduce your exposure to pollen.

Hanging clothes outside on a clothesline may seem benign but it's hazardous for people with seasonal allergies. Stick those clothes in the dryer.

A high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter will remove pollen and other unpleasant particles from the air in your house.

Pets can be "carriers" for pollen. They can bring pollen in on their fur. Keeping pets off furniture and out of living areas can make the season more tolerable.

5) What Types of Medications Ease Allergy Symptoms?

Become familiar with the types of medications and therapies that may be helpful, and do it before the season starts and the discomfort sets in.

Relief from allergies can be found in several forms. Allergy shots, antihistamine drops, pills and sprays are available. Click here for more information.

Reviewed May 31, 2016
by Michele Blacksberg RN
Edited by Jody Smith

Allergy Relief Tips Wherever You Go. WebMD.com. Retrieved May 24, 2016.

Spring Allergy Capitals 2016. AAFA.org. Retrieved May 24, 2016.

2016 Spring Allergy Capitals AAFA.org. Retrieved May 24, 2016.

The 10 Worst U.S. Cities for Allergies. Empowher.com. Retrieved May 24, 2016.

Definition of Pollen count. Medicinenet.com. Retrieved May 24, 2016.

Doctor’s Advice: 10 Tips for Spring Allergy Symptoms. MPCP.com. Retrieved May 30, 2016.

2016 Spring Allergy Capitals Report Ranks The Most Challenging Cities Nationwide For Allergies. AAFA.org. Retrieved May 24, 2016.

Best drugs to treat seasonal allergies. Consumerreports.org. Retrieved May 24, 2016.

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