You are what you eat. Your mother told you that as a little girl and that old adage still holds true. For anyone who wants to look and feel younger, or at least not look older than their chronological age, the secret might lie with what you put in your mouth!

There are lotions and potions and tons of procedures that all claim to give you the supple, glowing, youthful skin and body you desire. While these products and procedures might have some effect, the foods you eat might help even more. And the combination of the two might be a winning combination.

There are many foods that researchers have shown to have anti-aging effects for your skin and your overall health. Here are 5 of them you should try. The results may vary with each person, as there is no one magic pill.

1. Olive oil. For those who want to live longer while looking younger, try incorporating olive oil into your diet. On the Greek island of Crete, researchers attributed low rates of heart disease and cancer to their olive oil-heavy diet. Polyphenols are also present in olive oil and may help prevent age-related diseases.

2. Yogurt. There may not be a proven cause and effect relationship between yogurt and living longer and better, but the calcium in it can help build strong bones and stave off osteoporosis. Yogurt also contains "good bacteria" which can keep your intestines healthy and can lower your risk for gum disease and tooth loss.

3. Fish. Eating fish will give you a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help cut chronic inflammation, reduce cholesterol build up and protect your heart against abnormal rhythms. Salmon and tuna are great choices, but if you don't like fish, walnuts and flaxseed also contain omega-3 fatty acids as well.

4. Red wine. The resveratrol in red wine is an antioxidant and contains anti-inflammatory properties. It may even help protect your arteries. Just limit yourself to one five-ounce glass a day. This is one healthy action where you can have too much of a good thing!

5. Dark chocolate. While you can't eat this one non-stop, dark chocolate has been known to maintain blood pressure, increase brain power, prevent clots from forming, and decrease inflammation. The cocoa flavanols that give these anti-aging effects are more prevalent in dark chocolate (as opposed to milk chocolate).

Want more anti-aging foods for your diet? Also try to include berries, nuts, tomatoes, and tofu for a wide range of potential benefits. These foods may help you live longer, healthier and more active lives. Why not work to incorporate some of them into your meals today?


7 anti-aging Superfoods. Eating Web. 16 September 2015.

Best Anti-aging Foods. Web. 16 September 2015.

Anti-aging foods for your skin. Eating Web. 16 Septemeber 2015.

Reviewed September 17, 2015
by Michele Blacksberg RN