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The Power of Laughter


Blood Flow

One way researchers have studied the power of laughter is to look at the effects on blood vessels when people were shown either comedies or dramas. After watching a comedy, the blood vessels of the group expanded and contracted easily. The blood vessels in people who watched the drama tensed up, restricting blood flow. Laughter improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow. An increased blood flow can help against cardiovascular problems. Auremar/PhotoSpin

Boosts Immune System Response

Studies have shown that the ability to use humor may raise the level of infection-fighting antibodies in the body and boost the levels of immune cells. Thus, laughter may have the ability to improve your resistance to disease. PS Productions/PhotoSpin

Blood Sugar Levels

Another study of laughter tested people with diabetes. The study was conducted of 19 diabetics and looked at the effects of laughter on blood sugar levels. For the first part of the test, the group attended a long lecture after eating. For the second part, the group ate the same meal and then watched a comedy. After the group watched a comedy, they had lower blood sugar levels than after the lecture. Givaga/PhotoSpin

Rest and Relaxation

One of the short-term effects of laughter is a nice rest. When you start to laugh, it induces physical changes in your body. Laughter has the ability to activate and relieve your stress response, giving you the sensation of a relaxed feeling. Laughter can also soothe tension. A good laugh stimulates circulation and aids muscle relaxation, which reduce physical symptoms of stress. Auremar/PhotoSpin

Stress Relief

Laughter dissolves distressing emotions, helping you to relax and recharge. The stress reduction effect of laughter increases energy, getting you focused to be productive. Humor also shifts how you view situations into a more realistic perspective. This creates a psychological distance, which helps to prevent an overwhelmed feeling. Design Pics/PhotoSpin

Social Benefits

Humor strengthens relationships by triggering positive feelings and creating an emotional, positive bond. Positive bonds act against disagreements and disappointment. Humor relaxes the mind to be more spontaneous. Humor allows you to release inhibitions a little more with the person you share your laughter with. MonkeyBusiness Images/PhotoSpin

Find the Funny

Although small research studies have found the power of laughter, it is hard to determine cause and effect. A study might show that people who laugh more are less likely to be sick. However, that might be because healthy people have more to laugh about. Luckily, there is no harm in humor. Smile, block out negative thoughts and introduce laughter into conversations to stray from stress. Auremar/PhotoSpin

Add a Comment1 Comments


Great Job. Laughter and smiling play such an important role in our lives and our moods. Thanks for sharing.

December 8, 2012 - 9:31am
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